Daucus carota subsp. sativus "Scarlet Nantes"
An early-maturing, almost coreless, orange carrot that is crisp and juicy. Straight, smooth 6” roots with a blunt end. Excellent variety for winter storage. Holds well in the ground too.
Type: AnnualSun: Full
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing: 8-10”
Water: Moderate
Days to Maturity/Bloom: 65 days
Height: 18-22”
Zones: 3-9
Planting Instructions
Approx seeds per order 500+
Plant carrots in the spring or fall. They like cooler growing seasons and can be planted 3-5 weeks before the last frost in areas with cold climates. Sow the seeds 4” apart in rows 1' apart. They can be sown closer but will need to be thinned out as they grow so each root has enough room. Seeds planted too closely will produce stunted and skinny carrots. Be patient – seeds can take up to 3 weeks to germinate.
Plant carrots in full sun. They can tolerate some shade. Water frequently but shallowly as the seeds germinate. If a dry crust forms on top of the soil, the little seedlings will struggle to push out. The soil needs to be moist without being soaked.
Be diligent with weeding since weed roots will directly compete with the carrot roots. When weeding, be careful not to disturb the carrot roots. Cut the tops of the weed off with scissors – pulling them out might pull out carrot plants too.
USDA Zone Map