Product Type Cucumber
Brand Isla's Garden Seeds
Number of Seeds 100
About this item:
Poinsett 76 Cucumber: 70 days to maturity. This cucumber plant produces good yields of 6 to 9" long dark green cucumbers. It is crisp, tender, and delicious. One of the best slicing cucumbers for salads. Poinsett 76 is one of the best open-pollinated slicing cucumbers. Produces continuously for a relatively long time even under weather stress. Excellent choice for home gardens and market growers. Cucumis sativus. Open Pollinated. Plant 8 seeds per group (hill) and space groups (hills) 3'-4' (90-120 cm.) apart. Later, thin to three plants 4" (10 cm.) apart. Warm rich limed soil grows the best cucumbers. All our seeds are Home Grown in the USA - Isla's Garden