Raphanus sativus "Easter Egg Blend"
An “Easter egg” hunt is a must for these fun and colorful radishes. Featuring shades of red, purple, pink, white, and bi-color (red top, white base), who knew growing radishes could be so fun. Firm, crisp flesh with a slightly spicy kick. These radishes are oval-shaped and average 1 1/2” across. A fun radish to plant and harvest with kids as the color is unknown until pulled up from the ground.
Planting Instructions
Type: AnnualSun: Full
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Spacing: 3”
Water: Moderate/Low
Days to Maturity/Bloom: 25 days
Height: 4-6”
Zones: 3-9
Approx seeds per order 250
One of the easiest vegetables to grow, radishes have a short growing season and produce abundantly. They need cool weather and will not do well in the intense heat of the summer. Plant them early and often to have successive harvests. Plant them in the fall too, as soon as the weather begins to cool down.
Make sure they are getting full sun and are not shaded by other plants. If they are shaded, they will concentrate their energy on growing larger leaves and not big roots.
Start radishes outdoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost or as soon as the ground can be worked. Do not start inside or transplant. Rooted vegetables don't transplant well.
Sow seeds 1/8-1/4” deep and 1-4” apart in rows 12” apart. Do not crowd the plants or you will have small radishes.
Weed carefully as roots are fragile while young and easily pulled up. Thin seedlings if they are crowded so each one has at least 1-3” of growing space (varieties will vary on space needs).
USDA Zone Map